
Showing posts from April, 2019

Get Ranked On Google Using Simple SEO Techniques 2021 | Improve Your Google Ranking By Habib ur rehman

In this post I will explain how to get higher rankings on google with simple and easy steps.  Improve your On-Page SEO On-Page SEO is the utmost important step in order to get your website or page ranked on google. First, make sure that your targeted keyword is at the beginning of the title tag and that is called "Front-loading" your keyword. The Longer the content would be the sooner it will get ranked. Preferably try writing about 1600 words of quality content. Longer content does tend to rank best in search engines. Add your keyword 2-3 times on your page on relevant sentences. This will help Google crawlers to understand more easily that what the content is about.  LSI Keywords Enhancement  LSI keywords confirm Google search engine that your content is basically about that topic. For example, if your topic or content is about the Supercars then you will be mentioning these terms too. "Carbon fiber" "Nitrous Oxide" "Turbocharged engine" Tubele...

The Life After Death by Habib ur rehman

As we all know that this world will come to its end but nobody knows the exact date or time. In this world we all are here for a reason and it does not matter whatever the reason is but we should thank to Allah SWT who is the real creator of every living thing. We should not compare the practice of our religion to anyone as all the religions teach us for humanity accept Hinduism as this religion is man made.  Do not be offend. The reason for posting this article is to educate myself and all the readers so they could take advantage. The population of this world is increasing shockingly which is obviously is a sign of qayamat the judgement day. The more population will increase the more problems will increase as it takes time for a fruit to be ripen up but it takes only a few minutes to eat it up. A person who believes in the existence of Allah SWT will not be disappointed.  The afterlife is the belief that the essential part of an individual's identity or the stream ...

How To Keep Yourself Active and Healthy by Habib ur rehman

Being healthy and active leads you to live longer. The human body is consist of million of tissues and cells. A subject or an individual should not eat more than his requirement as this practice could become addictive which is the first reason and first clue for a disease. A balanced diet plan is most essential part of our daily routine. The reason for posting such kind of topics is to educate ourselves so that we can live healthy and happy. An individual can take part in different exercises and I would recommend that an individual should take part in cardio exercise which helps the blood stream in smooth and steady flow. When we do any physical exercise our heart beat increase gradually and if we practice the same exercise on daily basis then it will lead your body to increase the endurance because our human body is like an engine you can power it up by increasing its performance. Living in positive manner keeps your brain stay away from negative thoughts and if you tru...

How to avoid Fatigue by Habib ur rehman

As we all know that nowadays our daily life routine has become tougher and we have not much time for ourselves to take care, therefore, it has become nearly impossible for us to avoid fatigue caused by tiredness. As mentioned in my previous post I had requested my fellow friends to stay calm and positive because this is the key or you can say it is a head start for triggering the next action or cure to accomplish. Always keep in mind that this world is not forever it will become to its end one day and that will be the day of judgment so you do not have to worry about things but we need to solve our daily problems and work too so for that you need to plan your daily routine first in order to get the best possible results. Life is too short and we have so many things to do, we have our beautiful friends and relatives who are always waiting for us but this fatigue does not allow us to meet them or we do not get a chance to meet them. To avoid fatigue and tiredness we have few pr...

Key Factor For Happiness by Habib ur rehman

With years of experience and tests regarding health and happiness, I am now at the stage where I think that it is the right time to disclose the experiences I had in my life. I want to share the knowledge I have gathered so my friends and fellows can take advantages of it. The upcoming blog post which I will be sharing in the future would consist of deep and accurate results. I want to see all the people of this world be happy and healthy and if they have any concern regarding their health I am always willing to bring out my best. Being human we have to care for others and think for others, however, we know that life is too short and the world is moving so fast but still we have to take out some time for our fellow and friends. This is something extraterrestrial many people quit in between just because they are so busy but I promise my friends and readers that I will always be here for them for example if they have any personal problem regarding family issues, relative issues, jobs...